
Senior Vice President, 气候 Change, Sustainability, and Chemicals Management
Mark has over four decades of experience managing technical, 经济, and public policy analyses, as well as programmatic and organizational evaluations for public and private clients.

Mark has over four decades of experience managing technical, 经济, and public policy analyses, as well as programmatic and organizational evaluations for public and private clients. His clients include the U.S. 环境al Protection Agency, United Nations organizations, the World Bank (WB), the African Development Bank, the European Commission, the Global 环境 Facility, the Green 气候 Fund, 美国国际开发署, multinational corporations, 贸易协会, and non-governmental organizations.

Mark provides strategic advice, technical and 经济 analysis, and policy expertise to support regulatory and voluntary compliance on ozone layer protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation, persistent organic pollutants, and chemicals management. He has extensive experience leading large‐scale, 多学科的, multi-country evaluations of global programs, including independent assessment of the 气候 Investment Funds, the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery, the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program, and the Water and Sanitation Program for the WB and 美国国际开发署. Mark also has expertise in carbon offset markets, particularly in the assessment of projects that lead to the destruction of ozone-depleting substances and other high global warming potential greenhouse gases. He has an understanding of international climate finance architecture, including engaging the private sector.

"Harmonized and streamlined country-owned development, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, is the approach all actors should take to achieve a sustainable future."
  • B.S., Chemistry and Biology, Massachusetts Institute of 技术
  • Glenn Francis Gallagher, 道詹, Ying-Kuang许, 帕梅拉·古普塔, 詹姆斯Pederson, 巴特cro, 唐纳德·R. 布莱克, 芭芭拉·巴勒塔, 西蒙Meinardi, 保罗·阿什福德, 阿尼检查者, Sabine萨巴, Rayan苗条, 莱昂内尔Palandre, 丹尼斯Clodic, 帕梅拉·马修斯, 马克•瓦格纳, 茱莉亚原谅, 哈利德怀尔, 凯蒂狼. (2014). High-Global Warming Potential F-gas Emissions in California: Comparison of Ambient-Based versus Inventory-Based Emission Estimates, and Implications of Refined Estimates. DOI: 10.1021/es403447v | Environ. Sci. 抛光工艺., 48 (2), pp 1084–1093.
  • Madronich, S, Wagner, M, and Groth, P. (2011). Influence of Tropospheric Ozone Control on Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation at the Surface. DOI: 10.1021/es200701q | Environ. Sci. 抛光工艺., 45 (16), pp 6919–6923.
  • Dellinger B, Lamb, CW, Pankaj, K, Lanza R, and Wagner M. (2010). Theoretical Estimation of Incinerability of Halons and HCFCs. 环境al Engineering Science, vol. 27, no. 7. DOI: 10.1089 / ee.2009.0393.
  • Kyle JW, Hammitt JK, Lim HW, Geller AC, Hall-Jordan LH, Maibach EW, De Fabo EC, Wagner MC. (2008). Economic Evaluation of the U.S. 环境al Protection Agency’s SunWise Program: Sun Protection 教育 for Young Children. Pediatrics 121(5), e1074-e1084.